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  • Writer's pictureErin E. McEndree

I need your help! Help me get Best Seller in my category by getting my kindle book for only $.99. My publisher, Diane, and I would love your support to get our book into the Best Seller category in the adoption genre. How can you do this............

On Wednesday, January 17th, from 8:30am to 12:00pm, click HERE and get your Sneak Peak before the book is available in print.

  • Writer's pictureErin E. McEndree

It sure has been a minute since I last updated about my book, Adoption Reimagined. I haven't quit! I have made progress towards my publishing goal.

How about you? What goal did you make in 2023? Did you make it a priority or get distracted and put it on the back burner?

I got distracted, I admit, but I never put it on the back burner or threw in the towel. I continued to make plans, decisions and steps that directly related to my end goal.

I tried to write every morning. I continued to gain knowledge about adoption by talking to others in the adoption arena. I read other's stories. I made a logo. I worked with my publisher every month. I added a marketing expert to my team. I let others read my manuscript to critique it and make it better. I had photos made to launch my book. I have sent all the chapters to my editor for final review.

Every step was a step towards my goal. Your goal may not be to write a book. What is your goal? What steps have you made towards accomplishing your goal?

I have been working on this book for about 5 years. So, never ever quit! Never give up! Just keep moving forward because steps towards your goal is progress.

I also added some cheerleaders, prayer warriors and encouragers to my team. Who do you have that can support you, encourage you and kick you in the pants if needed? We are not meant to DO life alone! It was not good for Adam to be alone. We are created to be in relationship with one another.


  • What is your goal?

  • What choice can you make that keeps your goal a priority?

  • How can you eliminate distractions that take you away from your goal?

  • Who can you add to your team to help you with the details so you don't get off course with the minutia?

  • Who can you ask to cheer you on and pray for you?

Whatever it is you are struggling with, I would love to be your cheerleader and help you plan the next steps that are right for you.

Let's chat! Call or Text 817-992-3177

  • Writer's pictureErin E. McEndree

The Lord has never been more near than when he was creating you and knitting you together in your mothers womb. God created you and all artist love their creation. When we are born, there becomes a chasm between us and God called the world and life. God pursues us our whole life. He yearns to be close to us again and he knows it’s possible if only his creation (you) will seek him and yearn to be close to him also. However, the worries and trials of the world take your eyes off God and create such a dense fog you can't see through to Him. The concerns of your life keep you distracted. Your worries make God hazy. A thick fog gets even more dense as the weight of the worldly focus increases.

The fog that keeps God out of reach and out of sight can be lifted with our refocus and retraining of our minds.

The fog may seem thick and unmanageable. But the white clouds can lift when you are willing to put effort into getting as close to God on earth as heavenly possible. Even the most thick fog cannot hide what is right next to you.

Put effort into getting as close to God on earth as heavenly possible.

There will always be a membrane between the heavenly realm (God) and the earthly realm (you), but it is your choice how translucent that membrane is between you and God. It can be like polished glass or frosted. Mary Dumuth wrote a book called A Thin Place. She discusses that the closer you get to God here on earth, the thinner that a membrane is between you and God. What a wonderful feeling to feel and see God. But a wonderful sight to see God through the thin membrane because we have gotten as close to heaven as earthly possible.

You can get as close to heaven as earthly possible.

Are you still in a fog concerning your adoption issues? I propose to refocus. Take your mind and attention off your adoption and place them on God. It’s hard to understand but when you are close to God, things become in focus. Even the things we have no answers for and can’t understand have clarity.

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