Women overload their brains with responsibilities, which overloads their time, which overloads their stress. Family time suffers, intimacy with husband suffers, kids don’t feel important and the home does not feel welcoming to those who live there or visitors.

As a Life Purpose Coach, I ask my clients to list every responsibility they have. I am always amazed at the many, many hats we, as women, put on and try to balance.
There is a funny, funny video about men and women called The Tail of Two Brains by Mark Gungor. It is a hilarious depiction of the male and female brain and how women’s brain tend to be overwhelmed.
Women overload their brains with responsibilities, which overloads their time, which overloads their stress. Family time suffers, intimacy with husband suffers, kids don’t feel important and the home does not feel welcoming to those who live there or visitors.
Eliminate Extras
When I ask my clients to look at their list and try and let go of some of their responsibilities, they cannot. There may be a committee they can step down from, but they cannot stop working, paying bills, making meals or cleaning. They cannot stop doing laundry, cleaning the litter box, dropping off or picking up kids or helping with homework. They feel even more overwhelmed until I present an alternative.
God in it All
My challenge to them is to put God in every responsibility you have. Pray before you write the bills. Pray before you let your kids out of the car. Pray while making meals. Thank God for all the clothes you have doing laundry. Praise God while cleaning the toilets. Thank God for the cats to feed. Find your kids best quality and ask God to use it for His glory.
Matthew 6:32-33 says, “For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
The point is: God knows you need these things, it is your choice to put God into all of it or forget about Him in your busyness.
Change Your Focus
We all have bills, jobs, clutter, kids, husband, elderly parents and homes that take up our time. Take Jesus with you wherever you go and you will be amazed how the load will seem lighter.
Jesus also took time to pray by himself. He didn’t go get a manicure to take a break from life. He didn’t go find a new outfit for stress relief. He didn’t get his beard trimmed to get away from it all. There is a time for that, but don’t allow self-care to take the place of seeking the kingdom first.
...but don’t allow self-care to take the place of seeking the kingdom first.