I was dressed and ready to go when I found out the Hike For Life event was canceled because of some heavy rain all night. This is the oldest pro life event that raises money for local crisis pregnancy centers and gives awareness to the dignity of life... my life. I was one choice away from not being here. Check out Hike For Life Texas for more information.
I am thankful to my birth mother, Jeanette, who gave me life. I am thankful for my parents who chose to adopt. I am thankful for all the women who choose life when it was hard and who will stand up for a beating heart... specifically mine. I am most thankful to God who put me exactly where He wanted me to be.
I heard this quote, “If life stops when the heart ceases to beat, isn’t it only logical that life starts when the heart begins to beat?”
As Mother’s Day approaches, be thankful for the moms that gave you life and the moms that raised you and the moms of your friends who kept you in line at times. Be thankful for your spouse’s mom and your mom friends who keep you sane. Be thankful for the women who kept the heart beating even though they did not choose to keep it.... me.
And, if you are a woman who didn’t choose life, you are still welcome here. Forgiveness is a beautiful gift that I can give. I know some of you and you are always welcome at my table and in my heart. Some of you are fierce pro-life supporters because of your experience. Your ashes have turned to beauty and I applaud you for that.
For those of you who have a rough adoption story because of less than appropriate parenting, find purpose in your experience. Allow it to make you stronger, not destroy you. You have the ability to choose a happy life just like your birth mother chose life for you. Keep choosing what she chose for you and wanted... your beating heart to live and thrive.
Deuteronomy 30:19-20, "This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life,..."
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