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  • Erin E McEndree

Adopt: Praise-Focused Character

Updated: Nov 6, 2018

God gives you clues to understand what He is up to in the disasters of your life if you know where to look. 

“For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son,…” Romans 8:29,

God gives you clues to understand what He is up to in the disasters of your life if you know where to look. Most days it is very difficult to focus on praising God in difficulty. It’s hard to see the big picture or understand why sometimes. But all the time, God just wants your praise in the disaster while not knowing or understanding. That is faith.

God used 10 plagues to get Pharaoh's attention. God used a big fish to get Jonah's attention. God asked Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job?”

We can easily focus on the disasters and what we think is injustice or we can praise God for his bigger picture. God used Pharaoh to show his power. God used Jonah to save a whole city. God knew Job would not allow Satan to win. 

There are many current disasters in the world. Children getting bombed at a concert. Tornados ripping houses and families apart. Two children die in a hot car in Texas. 

We are not asked to praise God FOR the disasters, we are asked to praise God IN the disasters.

1 Thessalonians 5:18, “…give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

Or Praise

Do you focus on what seems like injustice or praise God while you don’t understand? Do you focus on the horrible conditions or praise God for the opportunity to help? Do you focus on the loss or praise God for ability to comfort? Do you focus on current disasters that steal your hope or praise God for his plan to lead others to Him?

We can see how the Bible stories worked for good. It is harder to see how present situations work into the big picture. But we know God never changes his character and all work for the good of those who love him.

How will you help your family praise God in trials?

How will you help your co-workers praise God in struggles?

How can you alleviate burdens?

How can you help someone who feels left out?

What sins can you confess?

Adopt a praise-focused character.



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