Sometimes evolving is a difficult process. At times I feel like I am loosing something I hold dear to my heart. However, just like a caterpillar must evolve into a beautiful butterfly, Steeped In Purpose must evolve after some growing pains, too.

When I first started blogging, about nine years ago, I used pictures of white and blue air conditioner filters because my specialty was filtering everything through the Word of God. For several years, I blogged about books in the Bible; nine to be exact. After a while I evolved and wrote about how to keep in step with the Spirit like Galatians 5:25 talks about.
Then, exactly 3 years ago in 2015, I stopped. I wondered what my purpose was writing blogs that only about 23 people followed. Should I finish those children’s books I started? I wondered if my purpose was to focus on teaching two year olds like I did two days a week. I wondered if I was supposed to write a Bible study for the women I taught on Wednesday night at church. I stopped and talked to God.
Soon after, I discovered #LifeCoaching. I contacted 11 Life Coaches to ask questions and get their advice. My husband and I spoke to Dr. Jodi Walker, a Life Coach who became my mentor and our church counselor. Both encouraged me to get certified as a Life Coach. Many of the professionals I spoke with said, “You are coaching women already. Go for it.”
It took five months to complete my certification. Then I created Steeped In Purpose, LLC, had my friend Anna create a logo, rented an office in town and began to Network.
During the past two years, I have coached women in my office, at coffee shops, in groups and over the phone. I also created course after course based on the needs women expressed.
New Wings
I am now ready to evolve again. With the help of my marketing partner, Brittany Henry, I am getting a new logo, a new website and making the courses easily accessible to visitors to my website.
Sometimes evolving is a difficult process. At times I feel like I am loosing something I hold dear to my heart. However, just like a caterpillar must evolve into a beautiful butterfly, Steeped In Purpose must evolve after some growing pains, too.
However, just like a caterpillar must evolve into a beautiful butterfly, Steeped In Purpose must evolve after some growing pains, too.
Evolving is not a bad thing. It is a natural process in anything that is growing. I am excited to share my evolution with you.
How have you evolved? Are you fighting some kind of change by digging in your heels?